Each play at Walterdale has a program that is handed out to the audience. As in most of the performing arts, theatre programs are designed to tell audiences about the show and the theatre, and also provide space for advertisements and for recognizing sponsors.
At Walterdale, it is the job of the Administrator to produce the program, but many people have to provide information in order to make this work. Below is a list of those people and the information they need to provide.
The Production Manager is responsible for gathering all the information on the show and making sure the Administrator has it in time.
Biography Guidelines
- All cast and production team members should submit biographies for the program
- All biographies are limited to 50 words
- Biographies longer than 50 words may be edited at the sole discretion of the Administrator
- Biographies are to be written from the third-person point-of-view
- Biographies must be submitted to the Production Manager prior to the deadline
- If biographies are not submitted on time, “No biography available” will be written beneath an individual’s name in the program
- Biographies are listed in alphabetical order by surname and separated into “Cast” and “Production Team” sections