Shop Safety Overview

Walterdale is grateful for the work done by our technical volunteers, and ensuring the safety of these volunteers is our primary concern.  To that end, Walterdale has put in place safe work practices for our workshop and technical areas.

Below are the general rules regarding Personal Protective Equipment.  Any questions or concerns regarding these policies can be directed to the Technical Director first, or any Walterdale Board member second.  A more comprehensive Safe Work Practices document can be located in the Shop or obtained by contacting the Technical Director.

Your safety is not optional.  Any volunteer failing to comply with any safety policy will be reminded once and given a chance to comply.  Continued non-compliance will result in the volunteer being asked to leave.

Personal Protective Equipment

The following is a list of Personal Protective Equipment (or PPE).  Please note the items that are recommended versus those that are required.

  1. Protective Eyewear
    All volunteers, regardless of the task being performed, are required to wear protective eyewear while working in or near the shop area.  Prescription eyeglasses are not sufficient unless they are prescription safety glasses.  Walterdale will provide appropriate protective eyewear.
  2. Footwear
    Steel-toed shoes are recommended for volunteers working in the shop or on set construction, though any sturdy shoe is sufficient.  Sandals or any other open-toed footwear are not acceptable; any volunteer arriving to work in such will be asked to change his or her footwear.
  3. Shirt
    It is recommended that volunteers working in the shop or on set construction wear a long-sleeved shirt.  Regardless, it is never acceptable to work in the shop or on set construction without a shirt of some kind.
  4. Pants
    All volunteers working in the shop or on set construction should wear full-leg pants.
  5. Work Gloves
    It is recommended that volunteers working in the shop or on set construction wear gloves as necessary.  Walterdale will provide appropriate work gloves.

Please note that the above also applies to anyone assisting with set strike at the end of the run.

Also note; other specific tasks may require additional or different Personal Protective Equipment.  Always check with your Shop Supervisor and read the appropriate Task Safety Analysis before starting any new task.  For further information on Task Safety Analyses, please contact the Technical Director.