To protect the property of Walterdale Theatre Associates, our members and our guests, the following lock up procedures will be adhered to at all times.
Locking up refers to the procedures required to secure the theatre building and interior sections of it when the building is vacant, or when specific areas are not in use.
In a production, certain individuals are responsible for various aspects of locking up. Department Heads, Board Members and any others using the building, should ensure the building is secure before leaving the premises.
Particular care must be taken to ensure fire separation doors are closed. The ground floor is the most vulnerable to intrusion and all persons making use of the theatre should ensure that public access points are secured.
As a general rule, the following individuals are usually responsible for locking up; however, it should be noted that the last person to leave the theatre at any given time is responsible to go through the lock-up procedures:
- Rehearsal
- Production Manager, Stage Manager, or designate
- Performance
- Front-of-House Manager (public areas) and Stage Manager (backstage)
- Meetings and Events
- The person co-ordinating the meeting, or as arranged
- Production Building/Decoration
- The last person to leave, usually the Master Builder, Stage Manager, or co-ordinator of the activity
- Contractors
- Building Director, Administrator, or designate
Lock-Up Procedures Checklist
Before the last person leaves the building the following list should be checked:
- Auditorium thermostat is at designated setting
- Coffee makers are switched off
- Rehearsal Hall, Shop, Lobby
- Doors at top and bottom of Bell Tower are closed
- To corridor, to Green Room, to Stage
- Kitchen pass-through doors to Rehearsal Hall are closed
- Kitchen door to Green Room is closed
- Green Room doors are closed
- To Rehearsal Hall, to corridor, to Bell Tower
- Door from Rehearsal Hall to stairway is closed
- Door from stairway to Lobby is closed and locked
- Shop door and roll-down door to stage are closed
- Doors to all secure areas are closed and locked
- Props Room, Technical Booth, Costume Workroom, Costume Storage, Office, cupboards
- All ground level exterior doors are closed, secured and free of obstacles
- Shop exterior door, Bell Tower exit, Lobby exits, Stage door
- Ensure the Stage and Shop night lights are turned on
- Turn on Back stage night light ONLY if the stage night light is not able to light the back stage area (Drapery installed or scenery blocking visibility)