
While it is the duty of the Director, Stage Manager, and Production Manager to ensure the production goes well, it is the job of the Walterdale Board and the membership as a whole to ensure Walterdale works for everyone involved.  To that end, a meeting is held to discuss the production process after the show has closed.

Every show is expected to have a Post-Mortem shortly after the show closes.  The Production Manager should schedule the meeting and the production team, Artistic Director, and Director(s) of Production should be invited.

Discussion should focus on production issues, not personnel.  Those who attend should have constructive criticism that will help improve future productions.  If any of the production team can’t attend, they should submit notes to the Production Manager prior to the meeting so these notes may be recorded.

Minutes will be taken by the Artistic Director and presented to the Walterdale Board of Directors at the next Board meeting.